Welcome to Austell Christian Church
From our Minister
I welcome you to the website of Austell Christian Church. Thank you for wanting to know more about us. However, this website is not about us. This website is a tool with which God has blessed us to share with you the most important person who has ever lived: Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
Austell Christian Church is made up of men and women, teenagers and children, just like you, who share a love for and relationship with, Jesus the Christ. He is the One who gives our life meaning, a meaning we want to share with you. Please feel free to check out all the joyous times we have worshipping our God, serving, and learning to love one another.
We all invite you, your family, your friends, your co-workers, anyone you know, to come and worship with us anytime. We are a church where anyone of any skin color, from any background, from any nation may come and learn about Jesus, the One who loves you so much that he died on a cross so that your sins could be forgiven.
Please feel free to contact me (770-944-3341; odosman@hotmail.com) if you have any questions about our church, the Bible, your salvation, a prayer request, or if you are interested in a personal Bible study. We are here to serve Jesus by serving you.
May the Lord richly bless you.
Clay Henry
From our Minister
I welcome you to the website of Austell Christian Church. Thank you for wanting to know more about us. However, this website is not about us. This website is a tool with which God has blessed us to share with you the most important person who has ever lived: Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
Austell Christian Church is made up of men and women, teenagers and children, just like you, who share a love for and relationship with, Jesus the Christ. He is the One who gives our life meaning, a meaning we want to share with you. Please feel free to check out all the joyous times we have worshipping our God, serving, and learning to love one another.
We all invite you, your family, your friends, your co-workers, anyone you know, to come and worship with us anytime. We are a church where anyone of any skin color, from any background, from any nation may come and learn about Jesus, the One who loves you so much that he died on a cross so that your sins could be forgiven.
Please feel free to contact me (770-944-3341; odosman@hotmail.com) if you have any questions about our church, the Bible, your salvation, a prayer request, or if you are interested in a personal Bible study. We are here to serve Jesus by serving you.
May the Lord richly bless you.
Clay Henry